Jonathan Dobres

posted October 18 2024

cabel sasser at xoxo 2024

You will never ever in a million years guess what this video is about, and you are going to love it. Well worth nineteen minutes of your time.

x-men re-examined: x-ternally yours

Air date: December 4, 1993

Twenty-two minutes—or less, if you subtract the opening and end credits—is not a lot of time. If I’ve learned anything watching this show, it’s that X-Men can get a remarkable amount of things done if it lets the established cast play off each other and trusts the audience to keep up. Season two keeps doing the exact opposite, presenting stories that split up the cast and necessitate a lot of lengthy exposition. “X-Ternally Yours” is the worst offender yet. It’s a Gambit spotlight, so I want to like it, but it’s so weighed down with Gambit’s elaborate backstory that there’s not much room for him to actually do anything.

Gambit was a member of New Orleans’s Thieves Guild, you see. The Thieves are locked in a vague, ancient conflict with the Assassins. This cajun-flavored Hatfield/McCoy situation is mediated by an entity known as the X-Ternal, who appears once per decade to collect tithes from both guilds and bestow or revoke power from whichever side she finds deserving of her generosity/wrath. Who is the X-Ternal and what does she want? The episode doesn’t say. She’s probably based on Candra of the Externals,1 but the show redesigns the character to vaguely evoke a Voodoo priestess a la Marie Laveau (I’m guessing). Form your own head canons.

Anyway, the Thieves have been on the outs ever since they screwed up the last tithe. The Assassins want to put the final nail in their coffin this time around, so they kidnap the Thieves’ leader, Bobby, who also happens to be Gambit’s brother. Gambit has another connection to this weird mess: he nearly married the current leader of the Assassins, Bella Donna. She never got over it and wants him back, so by orchestrating Bobby’s kidnapping, she gets the chance to simultaneously destroy the Thieves and force Gambit into marriage.

If this all sounds like a lot, it is! And it forces a lot of shortcuts. It would have been great to see crafty old Gambit attempt to double cross Bella Donna, but there’s no time. As the X-Ternal’s most recent chosen one, she has powers that allow her to slap a magic ring on Gambit’s finger, which removes his abilities and forces him to play along. It would have been great to see Rogue kick ass on behalf of her sort-of boyfriend (she’s part of the cavalry along with Jean and Wolverine), but the writers conveniently forget how formidable she is and settle for her just being very incensed at the idea of some swamp witch marrying her guy.

In the plus column, the animation is a lot more evocative in places here, especially when Cyclops is battling simulations of every major villain in the Danger Room. He manages to hold his own for a while and even looks kind of cool. Similarly, Jean finally gets some important things to do. She takes away everybody’s guns and, in the end, telepathically reveals Bella Donna’s schemes to the X-Ternal, allowing the Thieves to prevail. Gambit asks that Bella Donna be rendered powerless rather than killed. He declares, “I am not Thief or Assassin. I am an X-Man, and I am never coming back.” In a very nice final touch, he leaves with his arm around Rogue. In spite of it all, Gambit remains a charming presence.

Oh and I almost forgot, we get another Savage Land interlude. Xavier and Magneto encounter Barbarous, who tells Magneto that he “has a new master now.” Barbarous nearly succeeds in bear hugging Magneto to death, but Xavier drops a hive of angry bees on him and the two make yet another narrow escape. Five near death experiences in as many episodes. The Savage Land lives up to its name, at least.

X-Men is an ensemble franchise, and the more I watch season two, the more firmly I believe that. Splitting up the cast scuttles the show’s best dynamics in favor of thin exposition, rushed stories, and boring fights.

Stray observations:

  • When Cyclops complains that the Danger Room simulation is too easy, Gambit smirks and says, “You don’t like Gambit to be gentle?” Again, form your own head canons.

  • The “cajun” accents are all over the place. Sometimes Chris Potter says, “thief”, but often it comes out “teef”.

  • Wolverine, exploring the decaying gothic plantation where Gambit was raised: “No wonder Gambit’s so messed up.” Gotta love Cal Dodd. The show sure does. Wolverine is the only character to appear in every episode so far this season, excluding the Savage Land interludes.

  1. In the comics, the Externals are a cabal of super powerful, immortal mutants who count Apocalypse as their junior member, to give you an idea of how much power the X-Ternal probably has. 

x-men re-examined: repo man

Air date: November 20, 1993

Wolverine gets another solo episode, this time all about his backstory with the Weapon X program. He’s lured back to Canada by Heather Hudson (Wolverine has a thing for redheads, we assume), and is immediately accosted by his old team, Alpha Flight. They’re led by Vindicator, one of the flashiest jerks in the show yet. He’s also Heather’s husband, so Wolverine has an extra reason to hate him.

Alpha Flight has its own long and complicated history in the X-Men canon. Their roster is a blend of mutants (Northstar,1 Aurora, and Puck), science experiments (Vindicator and Sasquatch), and outright magical creatures (Shaman and Snowbird). The episode doesn’t have a lot of time for them, which is especially unfortunate, as this will be their only appearance. They botch their first attempt to capture Wolverine but finally get their act together on the second try—one can almost see the Alpha Flight Saturday morning cartoon where they’re learning the value of working together this week.

In between these fights, we’re seeing much cooler flashbacks to the Weapon X program, which gave Wolverine his adamantium skeleton. Notably, the flashbacks imply that Wolverine’s claws are a surprise secondary mutation in response to the grafting procedure. In all other iterations of the character, they’re either a package deal with his healing abilities or an engineered upgrade from Weapon X. Regardless, Wolverine goes berserk and runs off into the woods, where he bumps into Heather and James Hudson. They take him in and nurse him back to health, like a cross between The English Patient and Nell (it’s also implied that Heather helps Wolverine re-learn how to read?). None of this is even remotely like the episode’s namesake, Repo Man, but I digress. The flashbacks end with Wolverine agreeing to join Alpha Flight with Heather and James’s encouragement, adopting his nom de guerre, and putting on the costume for the first time.

Why did Wolverine defect from the team? The flashbacks don’t show us, and Wolverine refuses to talk about it. He’s a little busy being angry at the covert military project that is, at this moment, trying to vivisect him to figure out why he’s the only person to survive the adamantium procedure. Heather was happy to submit Wolverine to a number of excruciating diagnostics, but she draws the line at slicing him open and quits on the spot. Likewise, Alpha Flight (except Vindicator) thought this mission was about getting Wolverine back, not killing him for mad science. A melee ensues and Wolverine comes out on top, threatening vengeance if anyone from the facility comes looking for him again. These events presumably introduce an incredible problem into Heather and James’s marriage, but the series doesn’t follow that thread, for some reason.

Savage Land Interlude: Magneto and Xavier encounter a strange woman with vertigo-inducing powers, who tells them, “All the mutates in the Savage Land are Magneto’s creation.”

All in all, it’s another sluggish entry for season two. If you like Wolverine, and especially if you like shirtless Wolverine, this one’s for you. Most of the episode’s content is in flashbacks, so relatively little is actually happening. It’s been a pretty weak run for season two so far, with no truly strong stories since the premiere (and only Part 1, at that). But next week is a Gambit episode, so here’s hoping!

Stray observations:

  • Hoo boy. Shaman.

  • Jean uses Cerebro to search the world for Professor Xavier. No luck finding him, but we do get cameos from Nightcrawler, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and a few others. I’d much rather be watching an episode about them!

  • Jean can sense Wolverine’s physical pain, almost like they share a deep connection or something!

  • Puck’s astonished comment that the facility is staffed by androids is obviously a note from Standards and Practices. Rip a person apart? Absolutely not. Do the same to a robot? Okay, but make sure the audience knows it.

  • The Canadian government was trying to repossess a man, I guess? That’s where the title comes from? I’m working really hard here, people.

  1. Previously seen in the “Slave Island” riot sequence, Northstar is notable for being Marvel Comics’s first openly gay character, coming out in 1992. The voice work in this episode isn’t great overall, but it’s nice to hear Northstar (aka Jean-Paul Beaubier) in all his Quebecois glory. 

x-men re-examined: red dawn

Air date: November 13, 1993

This show has always had a casual relationship with geography. Whether the trouble is downtown or on the other side of the planet, the X-Men’s various jets can get there in no time at all. Travel logistics aren’t exactly Saturday morning material, so characters just sort of arrive places as the script requires. This is especially apparent in “Red Dawn”, in which characters get to and from Moscow more easily than your morning commute.

Some hardline ex-Soviet generals want to restore the glory days of the USSR, and they’re going to thaw out their long-dormant secret weapon, Omega Red, to do it. If this sounds a little like the Winter Soldier, well, this came first. Omega Red debuted in early 1992, while Bucky Barnes wouldn’t get the Winter Soldier retcon until 2005. As for Omega Red himself, he’s a Soviet super soldier with “carbonadium” tentacles, invulnerability, energy draining powers, and (canonical to the comics but not mentioned in this episode) pheromones that can kill most people on contact.

What’s going on in the show’s version of Russia is pretty confusing. It’s either a military coup or a lopsided civil war. Either way, it should be global news, and yet no one outside of the Eastern bloc seems to know about it, to the point that Colossus travels to America to seek the X-Men’s help. Unfortunately, all the cool X-Men are busy, so Colossus gets Jubilee, and Jubilee only (having rescued her from another Friends of Humanity hate crime).

She and Colossus depart for Moscow immediately, leaving only this note on the fridge:


Gone to Black Sea with Colossus to stop some guy named Omega Red. Dinner’s in the freezer. Have a nice day.


And then they jet off to Russia (literally), with Jubilee in the pilot’s seat. This whole sequence is pretty cute, blending Jubilee’s “student driver but it’s a supersonic jet” with Colossus’s unfailing politeness (Colossus is still delightful).

On the ride over, we get a little of Colossus’s origin story and his strong connection to his family, which is his primary reason for seeking the X-Men’s help (never mind that his entire country seems to be in the midst of a full scale military invasion). At the same time, Omega Red is increasingly keen on restoring the Soviet empire and becoming its ruler, though again, why he’s the lynchpin and how all this is supposed to work with the trio of Russian generals is unclear. It’s a Saturday morning cartoon, so all that really matters is that bad guys are doing bad things.

Wolverine returns to the mansion, sees Jubilee’s note, growls “Omega Red!” and hops in a jet. But not before angrily crushing the note and throwing it on the kitchen floor, which is why it’ll take the other X-Men so long to show up. Wolverine arrives in Russia almost instantly. He and the others manage to fight Omega Red to a draw, but only after Colossus drops a tank on him and gives the team room to retreat (Colossus is still rad).

Colossus fireman-carries a badly injured Wolverine away from the fight.

Wolverine: I don’t…need…your help.

Colossus: Of course not! But you are guest in my country. Is good manners!

Regrouping after the fight, we learn a little about Wolverine’s history with Omega Red. There’s not much to it. This is just teeing up the deeper dive into the Weapon X program that’s coming next episode.

Finally, the cavalry arrives in the form of Storm, Rogue, and a completely silent Gambit (Cyclops and Jean are doing mutant relations work in D.C.). Despite participating prominently in the upcoming fight, Chris Potter doesn’t utter a single line. I might not have noticed, but it’s very out of character for Gambit to be so quiet. At least we get to hear Rogue say, “We’d have been here sooner but someone trashed your note.”

Anyway, the X-Men get to work causing an international incident. Thanks to a tip from special guest mutant Dark Star about Omega Red’s cryogenic weakness, Storm is able to freeze him solid. The only other notable thing here is that Colossus seems extremely willing to die with him, until Dark Star conveniently yanks him out of harm’s way at the last second. Colossus once again declines to join the X-Men, vowing to rebuild his country. Take a good look at him, because despite how fun he is, this will be his last featured episode.

This episode has a lot of problems. Aside from the thin writing and disorienting relationship to time and space, it’s weird to see the X-Men getting involved in a contemporary geopolitical event. It’s the difference between a show that reflects the civil rights movement versus one that inserts these fanciful characters into the March on Washington, specifically. I also think the episode could have been much more creative. Omega Red and Rogue both have energy draining powers, and if they’d used those powers on each other simultaneously, anything could have happened. But Rogue never gets the chance.

Oh also, Magneto and Xavier are still in the Savage Land. In this brief installment, Magneto outsmarts a T-Rex, demonstrating that he’s a formidable opponent even without his vast powers. He questions why Xavier wouldn’t just let him die, which would certainly make his life easier. Xavier responds, “I do not yearn for an easy life, Magneto. Only a just one.”

Now That’s What I Call ’90s: vague fears that the recently dissolved Soviet Union might reconstitute itself were around, if not very plausible. More germane to this story, there was an actual attempted coup by a small group of Soviet hardliners in August 1991, though that was shortly before the USSR dissolved, not after. The coup lasted two days.

Stray observations:

  • Beast is on the toilet for this one.

  • Of the last episode’s three stories, the “Previously On…” recaps only the Morph/Wolverine plot, which tells you where the season’s interests are, or how lame the Shadow King story was.

  • To the show’s credit, the Russians actually speak Russian for a few lines before switching to accented English.

  • Colossus’s sister calls Colossus “Piotr,” so far the only person on the show, including Colossus himself, to use his given name.

x-men re-examined: whatever it takes

Air date: November 6, 1993

There are three non-intersecting stories in this episode and only one of them is any good. “Whatever It Takes” is very whatever.

The A-plot concerns the return of the Shadow King. This is strange from the jump, because we’ve never heard of the Shadow King before. Rogue and Storm simply explain that Xavier fought him previously, and defeated him. It sounds like that would make for an epic multi-part story, but we’re never going to see it. In fact we’ll only see the Shadow King in one other episode, three years from this one. Anyway he’s back now, having emerged from a tear in the astral plane to possess Storm’s godson, MjNari. Storm agrees to become the Shadow King’s host, which frees MjNari and gives her the opportunity to attempt to kill the Shadow King (and herself) by flying up to where the air is too thin. MjNari, who in addition to his speedster powers can perceive the astral tear, then lures the King back to the astral plane and gives him the runaround until Storm physically pulls him out of the closing portal.

All of the action takes place near Mount Kilimanjaro. I’m going to go ahead and guess that the depiction of Storm’s home village as a simple agrarian people living in thatched roof huts is not exactly culturally sensitive. At least we get a little more background on Storm and what connects her to humanity (Rogue is there, too). The Shadow King is another Chris Claremont original, a deeply malevolent psychic entity that regularly tangles with Earth’s most powerful telepath, Charles Xavier. Here he’s a deep-voiced cackling ghost with vague plans for rebuilding his unseen empire. For a much more interesting portrayal, go watch the first season of Legion.

The B-plot is Wolverine’s quest to find and rescue Morph. Wolverine tracks them to Brazil (somehow), finding them in a random bar. Morph doesn’t want to be rescued and puts up a pretty good fight, first getting Wolverine off balance by mocking him as Jean, and then transforming into several other mutants and wild animals to overwhelm his would-be rescuer. Should Morph really be able to take down Wolverine this easily? Maybe, maybe not. But neither character actually wants to kill the other. Morph makes clear that they have to get through things by themselves, saying, “I have to get through this by myself!” (the writing in this episode is not subtle). It’s a shame this story wasn’t given a little more time. The brief fight is creative, and Wolverine’s simple motive of “This person is my friend, we did wrong by them, and I’m going to fix that,” deserved more.

And finally, we briefly check in on Xavier and Magneto in the C-plot. They climb out of the avalanche and note that they’re near a rainforest, which is pretty unusual for Antarctica. Magneto explains that this is the Savage Land, a place he’s a little familiar with for as yet unexplained reasons. Neither of them has their powers, but somehow Xavier can walk. Before they can process this, they are attacked by men riding pterodactyls, summoned by a mysterious figure at a surveillance console (sure seems familiar). Both men go over a waterfall, to be continued, etc.

Stray observations:

  • Storm is so given to Dramatic Pronouncements that it’s starting to feel like she can’t invoke her powers without them. She is especially dramatic here, bringing the rains, wind, and lightning when called for.

  • There’s no reason for Rogue to accompany Storm to her village, and there’s not much for her to do there. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to take a telepath like Jean along to investigate a psychic phenomenon? The best explanation I can think of is that Storm and Rogue are friends.

  • Catherine Disher has a lot of fun voicing Morph-as-Jean, and it’s nice to hear her branch out just a little from what has been a pretty flat role so far. “Whenever I’m with you, all I can think about is how much I’m in love with Cyclops!”

x-men re-examined: till death do us part 1 & 2

Part 1

Air date: October 23, 1993

In comics, no one stays dead. Implausible escapes, newly discovered powers, intentional fake-outs, divine intervention, and all manner of retcons ensure that death is temporary unless your name is Ben Parker. There are notable exceptions, of course. One of the record holders for Longest Time in a Grave is the X-Men’s own Jean Grey, who was canonically dead between 1980 and 1986 (sexy clones notwithstanding), and then again between 2003 and 2018.

Morph was never going to stay dead, but the show committed pretty hard in season one. Nobody so much as mentions them after “Night of the Sentinels”. But the writers didn’t forget. I missed it on first watch, but the “Previously On…” reminds us that in the season one finale, Cyclops charges back into the Sentinel facility, saying he’s not leaving anyone behind, “not this time.”

Morph reappears under the influence of arch villain Mister Sinister, who, in a retcon to the events of “Night of the Sentinels”, rescued them after that botched mission. Sinister is very possibly my favorite X-Men villain. Formerly Dr. Nathaniel Essex, he is a 19th century geneticist obsessed with creating a race of superior mutants. If this sounds a lot like Apocalypse, well yes, they have an on-again, off-again thing going on. Through Apocalypse’s help and decades of self-experimentation, Sinister has achieved immortality and an imposing array of abilities, including an inhuman voice that I think sounds cool to this day. He’s a cackling master manipulator with Dr. Frankenstein’s agenda and Dracula’s aesthetic. The man is so committed to the bit that he goes by Mister Sinister despite being an actual, credentialed doctor. His henchmen are called The Nasty Boys. The Nasty Boys. What’s not to love?

Morph returns to us with a sallow complexion, sunken eyes, and a fragile mental state. Sinister has brainwashed them into believing that the X-Men deserve to be destroyed, and the thing is, the team made Sinister’s job pretty easy there. They did leave Morph behind, and everyone’s been carrying that around for a year. Mister Sinister may be skulking around in the shadows, but the real villain here is survivor’s guilt.

Part 1 of this story is mostly about reintroducing Morph and watching them use their shapeshifting powers to pull the X-Men apart like a rotisserie chicken:

  • As Magneto, Morph video phones Xavier, claims he’s in mortal danger, and gets the Professor to rush off to Antarctica to help his ex. Xavier nonsensically leaves by himself rather than taking one of his trained warriors with him, but love makes you do crazy things. In any case, everyone who could have instantly unmasked a shapeshifter is gone (Jean is on her honeymoon and Wolverine has already stormed off to tear up the Friends of Humanity).

  • As Rogue, Morph convinces Gambit to meet up in the rec room and kiss her (Morph knows the real Rogue is already there, sleeping). This takes Gambit out of action and makes Rogue much less effective, since she doesn’t know how to control Gambit’s powers.

  • As Storm, Morph exploits Jubilee’s desire to prove herself, and her respect for Storm, to send her into a trap.

  • Morph-as-Beast assures Storm he’ll be there to help her quell some anti-mutant violence. They then trap the real Beast in the Danger Room and turn all the dials to Kill.

  • Finally, when it’s clear that the rioters can’t take down Storm, Morph-as-random cop instructs some nearby officers to shoot her out of the sky, putting her in the hospital.

No other antagonist has come so close to outright destroying the X-Men, and all Morph did was say the wrong things to the right people. The most dependable are made to look unreliable, friendships and intimacies are exploited, trust is violated, and the whole team gets taken out. As anyone in information security will tell you, the biggest vulnerability is people. Morph’s campaign is incredibly damaging and very convincing. Smart writing throughout.

To fulfill this episode’s Saturday Morning Action Quota, we are introduced to the Friends of Humanity, who will harass the X-Men twice in these twenty minutes (along with harassing other random mutants). They’re an anti-mutant hate group with pretty suspicious branding. Their leader, Graydon Creed, wears a red and black blazer, their logo is an eagle, they’re fond of armbands, you can’t not see it. As Xavier explains, the FOH arose in a backlash against Robert Kelly’s (now President Kelly’s) public support for mutants. The episode does a great job interweaving the FOH’s rash of violence with Morph’s campaign against the X-Men. It’s not clear how Morph knew to send an unwitting Jubilee to FOH headquarters, but it’s not exactly a secret society, and given how effective Morph is here, the off-screen reconnaissance was probably trivial.

Also in this episode, Scott Summers and Jean Grey tie the knot. Or do they? It turns out Morph was masquerading as the priest, which, as we’ll learn in Part 2, invalidates the marriage? Wolverine is so upset about the wedding that he can’t bear to attend, and spends the morning ripping apart Cyclops-themed holograms in the Danger Room (including a cool looking Cyclops/Sentinel mashup). This angst may explain why he’s especially eager to punch the FOH later on.

Now That’s What I Call ’90s: Commencing his campaign of discord, Morph rubs his hands together and giggles, “Makin’ copies,” a jarring reference which implies that both Saturday Night Live and Rob Schneider exist in the X-Men universe. This gives Cyclops’s NOT joke from the debut a run for its money as the Most ’90s Thing Possible.

Stray observations:

  • We briefly see the swearing in of President Robert Jefferson Kelly. In the comics, his middle name is Edward, so “Jefferson” was definitely meant as a very ’90s reference.

  • Gambit finally uses the bo staff we always see him with in the opening.

  • Rogue’s difficulty with Gambit’s powers is mostly treated seriously. There are great details like her not wearing her usual gloves or awkwardly wrapping her arms around things instead of using her hands. Lenore Zann gets in a very fun line after she makes a coffee cup explode.

  • Either Jean or the Professor could have sensed that the priest was Morph, but then again, they had no reason to be on alert for threats at a wedding.

Part 2

Air date: October 30, 1993

Part 2 suffers from much lazier writing, so much so that I’m surprised to find that both parts were written by the same person.

Scott and Jean get to enjoy their honeymoon for about thirty seconds before one of Sinister’s Nasty Boys (again, The Nasty Boys) wrecks their yacht. The ensuing fight, if you can even call it that, is remarkably lazy, but it does give Sinister the chance to properly introduce himself and slap some power-suppressing collars on the newlyweds. Scott and Jean have the exact right genetic material to create, in Sinister’s words, “The master bloodlines for an unbeatable race of mutants.” So he’s a lot pickier than Apocalypse, is my takeaway. Sinister extracts something from Cyclops, which looks painful, but that’s about all we see of this plan.

Meanwhile, the team starts pulling themselves back together and they begin to notice that everyone’s been acting very oddly lately. It doesn’t take long for Beast to escape the Danger Room, for Wolverine to rescue Jubilee from the FOH, for Rogue’s borrowed powers to wear off, and for Gambit to regain consciousness.

I was going to put this in the Stray Observations, but it’s too important. When Rogue angrily says to Gambit, “You snuck a kiss and got what was comin’ to ya!” his response is emphatic: “Gambit don’t never go where he’s not invited.” It’s 1993, and we’re just coming off an era when taking advantage of semi-conscious women was still considered boyish hijinks. The writers go out of their way to make clear that Gambit would never have tried to kiss Rogue (or anyone) without their consent. Listen up, ten year-old boys: Gambit is one of the cool ones, and cool people don’t do that.

Morph masquerades as Xavier to try to get everyone back on scheme, but at this point Wolverine returns with Jubilee and immediately sniffs out what’s going on. Morph makes a break for the hangar. Jubilee and Wolverine follow, leading to a great little misdirect where Morph doubles Wolverine and Jubilee has to decide which to shoot. “You’ll just have to shoot both of us,” says one of the Wolverines. Jubilee quickly shoots the one that did not make this noble suggestion, which unfortunately was the real Logan. It’s a subversion of the usual hero tropes that I found genuinely clever. Morph escapes in the stolen Blackbird, and Beast reasons that they’re heading to Cyclops.

Morph arrives at Sinister’s lair and menaces the Summerses. It doesn’t quite go the way they planned. Scott’s shock and remorse is at odds with the image that Morph has of him in their head, and it’s giving them something of a split personality. Meanwhile, the cavalry arrives and fights The Nasty Boys (Nasty Boys). It’s not a great fight, but the standout is Gorgeous George and the impressive animation of his liquid body. He attempts to choke/drown Rogue and she spins him away like Wonder Woman.

Sinister, having gotten what he needs for now, decides everyone but Scott and Jean are expendable. Morph has a change of heart and tries to attack him, but to no avail—Sinister heals the injury with an ability cribbed straight from the T-1000. Cyclops displays his first-ever emotion (anger, over the threats to his loved ones), rips free of his restraints through the power of lazy writing, and gives Sinister a good lasering. To everyone’s surprise, especially Sinister’s, this does real damage to him, and he and his henchmen slither away. Morph, still grappling with his split personality, makes off in the jet. Jean does nothing. The writers forgot she was there.

This leaves the team to grapple, briefly, with the aftermath. Cyclops is angry that he and Jean aren’t “really” married, since the priest was a fake. It’s kid logic, I know, but come on. Wolverine resolves to find Morph and bring them back, because they were, “the only one who could ever make me laugh.” It’s a softer side to Wolverine that we’ve rarely seen, and I really like it, as will the writers of X-Men ‘97.

Meanwhile in Antarctica, Xavier finds a perfectly healthy Magneto, who is equally surprised to see Xavier unharmed. Before they can sort things out, they’re buried in an avalanche!

Stray observations:

  • Beast wears a fedora and trench coat out. As Marissa Tomei once said, “Oh yeah. You blend.”

  • Chris Britton’s smooth, sardonic performance as Mister Sinister (a role he reprises in X-Men ‘97) is simply delicious.

  • I would not say that Cyclops finally getting good and angry is cool, per se, but it’s something.

  • Several glaring plot holes in this episode.

    • It’s implied that Morph sent Scott and Jean to their honeymoon destination, but why would they have listened to a priest for vacation tips? Was Morph masquerading as a travel agent, too? Seems like a lot of work.

    • I’ll assume that the team was able to follow Morph back to Sinister’s lair because they probably have a tracking device in the Blackbird. Would have been nice to see it, though! Maybe have Beast frown thoughtfully at a ’90s tablet when he deduces that Morph has flown off to get to Cyclops.

    • Wolverine says he’d been tracking Jubilee to the FOH rally, but how would he have known to do that, since he left the mansion before she did?

    • How the hell does Cyclops just rip his restraints apart, as well as his collar? The collars explode if you don’t turn them off first!

    • By 1993, marriage licenses were legally mandated in all 50 states, you know?